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newgen - install guide

Follow the steps below to install the DF11 NewGen Faces into Football Manager correctly.

The main process is similar to the install process of your DF11 Megapack.


Windows OS users need 'Winrar' (or 7zip) to extract the downloaded file (RaR).

Mac OS users need 'The Unarchiver' (or Keka) to extract the downloaded file (RaR).

You need 3 things:


- DF11 NewGan Facepack

NewGan Manager (Application)

- NewGan Install Guide (text/video)

2. Download & Install the NewGan Manager (application)

Download the version that matches your FM Version and device.
FM2021-FM2022-FM2023 (NewGan Manager 1.3.1)   | or |   FM2024 (NewGan Manager 1.4.0)


Contact the creator if you experience any problems with the NewGan Manager app.
You can report the problem >> HERE.

3. NewGan Install Guide.

Follow the tutorial video below to see how it works. It's easy once you've done it once.

For your convenience there are two video install manuals and one text file available.


You can use the most recent install guide provided by Priisek (focussed on Windows) or the one provided by 'Zealand' (focussed on Windows / Mac).

With the help of these videos you will soon have beautiful DF11 NewGan faces in your game!

1. Download the DF11 NewGan Facepack with the shirt of your choice:

How to use the DF11 NewGan Facepack?

Redistribution Policy


Want to share this on other sites?

Please point the download link to the original DF11 NewGen download page.


You cannot host any of the DF11 files yourself.

There are 2 ways to use the DF11 NewGen faces.

Manually, where you assign a DF11 NewGen image to each NewGen/Regen player yourself.

With this you need to create the config file yourself for every new added image.

Automatically, where the DF11 NewGan Faces photo-assignment is done through a special application.
(NewGan Manager by Maradona90).

The application contains unique race intelligence where all player images are displayed by race and origin.

How to use DF11 NewGan Faces manually?


< A similar tutorial - in video style showing all these steps - can be found here >

1 - Go to the 'Graphics' folder in your Football Manager directory.
If you don't have a 'Graphics' folder yet, create one yourself.

2 - Next step is to open the Graphics folder in where you create another (new) folder.

Name the new folder as you like. For example 'DF11 NewGens '.


Now you'll have the following directory:

WINDOWS (FM21 - FM25) >>  Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 20** \Graphics\DF11 NewGens

MAC (FM21 - FM25) >>  Username\Library (= hidden)\Application Support\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 20**\Graphics\

DF11 NewGens


3 - Download the DF11 NewGan Facepack of your choice.

4 - Download & choose the DF11 NewGen image you want your Regen player to display.

5 - Save the player image in the new created folder 'DF11 NewGens' from step 2.
6 - Rename the DF11 NewGan player image with the unique FM ID number of your regen.
(You can 'Find the Regen ID in your FM game' = Tutorial)
Repeat step 4 + 5 + 6 for every regen player you like.

You can add an endless amount of DF11 NewGen images.

FM24 NOTE > Download the DF11 regen ID-fix if you playing FM24 with patch 24.2

7 - Download & Install the application 'FMXML' from our website to create a config file.

The new Config File will activate the new added NewGen faces to the game.
8 - Create the config file as shown in the tutorial(s).
9 - Open your Football Manager game.

> Go to 'Preferences' > 'Interface'.


* Click the "Clear Cache" button 1x. 

* Untick the following line: "Use caching to decrease page loading times".

* Tick ON: "Reload skin when confirming changes in preferences".

* Confirm the changes to reload the skin.

There should be a box that pops up saying: "loading image data for the new skin".

10 - The new added DF11 NewGen face(s) will appear in the game.

How to use DF11 NewGan Faces automatically?

Including race intelligence for all NewGen player faces in FM21, FM22, FM23 & FM24.


Create the Config file with the FMXML application on our website.

The NewGen faces in this set up come from the kitpacks: Boca + Nashville

Manually added NewGen faces
for my FM23 Boca Juniors career.
 > 2 goalkeepers and 17 players