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FM2023 | FM2024



fm2022 skins (DF11 ready)


Download here the best FM22 skins that display the DF11 faces in large format in the game.

 All credits to the original authors of these skins!

Priisek Green skin FM22                                        Author: Priisek

                                                                                          DF11 Ready: Yes

The old school FM feeling!

Get back in time with this 'Green' skin created by our friend Prisek.

Many mods added including beautiful 'match in between panels'.


Takes away most of the purple & in your face colours of the standard FM22 skin.


Optional DF11 panels included.


Download available by our friends from FMScout.


Priisek FM22 Green skin

Priisek Dark skin FM22                                            Author: Priisek

                                                                                           DF11 Ready: Yes

A Dark skin with a beautiful scouting page!


The skin includes background support images and has the

'Instant Result' button on board.


The skins have beautiful features such as the 'Match in between panel, Player pictures in tactic screen and Stadium overview.


Optional DF11 panels included.

Donation via Paypal is optional and well spent.

Download available via our friends at FMScout.


Priisek FM22 Dark skin

Livid 22 skin                                                                Author: Entreaty

                                                                                         Download DF11 Default face

Perfect skin wih DF11 support.

This skin is created by Entreaty and contains many new panels

to display DF11 faces in large size. (Incl. DF11 Central image panel)

The skin has cool features such as the beautiful 'Player pop-up panel,

Home panel and Club Overview panel'.

The Instant result button is also there!

Donation is optional but well spent.

Download available by our friends from FMScout.

LVID Skin FM22

Heffem skin FM22                                                      Author: Krysler76

                                                                                           Download DF11 Default face

The Heffem skin became very popular for FM21 and is now

available for FM22!

Although the skin is not specially made for DF11 faces,

the DF11 faces fit very well in this skin.

That's why this skin also deserves a place in our list of best skins

for DF11. 

Download available via our friends from FMScout.

Heffem skin by Krysler76

Narigon skin FM22                                                     Author: Dandy

                                                                                           Download DF11 Default face

A Dark skin for Football Manager 2022 that prioritizes

the information in the panels over the graphics.

It is based on the Base'22 skin with efficient feautures added.

This skin is clean and neat. A pleasure to play with.
 It's DF11 supported

The skin is free to download via our friends at FMScout.

Narigon FM22 skin

FLUT Dark skin FM22                                                 Author: Flut

                                                                                            Download DF11 Default face


FLUT skin is back! The skin is one of the most popular skins since many years. The skins will get updated during the season with many extra features.


This quality skin looks great and has all the latest features.
 It's semi-DF11 supported. Showing the faces in slightly larger size than default. Donate option available for this masterpiece.


The skin is free to download via our friends at FMScout.


FLUT skin Dark