FM2023 | FM2024
FM2023 | FM2024
Club owners or spokespersons for a club can contact us if there are any objections
to the hobby-manufacture of these fanmade faces.
It is never our intention to go against the wishes of players or clubs
and we hope that everyone can appreciate this hobby.
We would like to emphasize once again that we never ask for payments.
Everything on this website is free to download for personal use within the walls of their own home.
These so called 'faces' are made out of love for the popular
management game Football Manager.
After licensing issues between the developer of the Football Manager series (Sport Interactive) and 'Man Utd'
both parties agreed that the club (Man Utd) will not be included any longer in FM.
Both in name and in images.
This limitation took effect in 2020 and became visible for everyone since the release of FM2022.
DF11Faces will stick to that agreement until otherwise decided.
To avoid possible problems in any way,
we will keep our distance by not creating any faces for 'Man UFC'.
Jeff / Team DF11
Please do not send messages asking to receive the Man UFC facepack.
Such messages will always go unanswered.
If, after reading this statement, you intend to make a Man UFC facepack yourself, you should know that we at DF11faces do not want to be linked in any way to the faces you have made.
This means that your faces may not resemble the original known DF11 faces. Both in style and in name.
Any consequences are at your own responsibility.